Running Dinner Planner

Person Digging

Create seating arrangement by CSV

The information banner

As with all screens, a context-dependent information banner is located at the top of the screen. It features a “back to previous screen” button on the left, and a button for context-dependent help on the right

Arguably the easiest way of inputting Seating Arrangements into the system is by way of the MyPlanner section on the website. To make use of this, the user needs to create and login to an account on, and  copy-paste data from, for example, Excel into the web interface. See also the CSV tutorial on the Tutorials page. That data can subsequently be downloaded from MyPlanner with the click of the cloud ( Cloud Queue ) button

The format the data needs to have is that of a Comma-Separated-Value (CSV) list, and can be inspected in the CSV text field. One line should contain:

       CourseName, ShortAddress, ShortName_1, ShortName_2, etc...


  • CourseName: the name of the Course
  • ShortAddress: unique short address of the House serving the Course
  • ShortName_x: unique short name(s) of Persons in the seating arrangement

  • Note 1: A single line can only hold data on a single Course-House combination
  • Note 2: Only Persons that can be moved can become part of the seating arrangement
  • Note 3: Persons can be moved when they’re not a required Host and not pinned-in-place by the user
  • Note 4: Not all Persons need to be listed
  • Note 5: An added Person can be pinned-in-place by adding '(pin)' after the ShortName
  • Note 6: Only listed houses that have enough room and are willing to serve this Course can be assigned.
  • Note 7: Not all Houses need to be listed

When loaded, the text field will contain the data currently available to the Planner. With the Copy ( Copy ) or Mail ( Envelope ) button, the entire content of the field, plus extra information such as the data format, can be made available outside theApp.